Fasting is continuing to gain much attention these days. People from all walks of life are learning about and implementing some form of fasting into their daily regimen.
As I write this, you are assuming I’m talking about fasting from food right?. One definition of fasting found in the dictionary is voluntarily not eating for periods of time. I reviewed a number of definitions and I actually could not find one definition that did not tie fasting back to refraining from food or drink.
I love sugar. I mean, I LOVE sugar. Hot tamales, jelly beans, gummy bears, I love all things candy. If it’s available to me, I’m going to eat it. So, I just don’t buy it because I won’t ration it, I’ll eat the entire bag. I know this is horrific for my body but if I start down the path of eating sugar, it takes a lot for me to stop. At different points throughout the year, I’ll go down a dark road and have sugar, usually for several days, then I’ll feel bad and stop.
I had a thought yesterday, why don’t I just FAST from sugar? I’ve been exploring this internally for the last few days and somehow if I just tell myself I’m going to FAST from sugar, it doesn’t have this struggle over my psyche. So, I’m exploring this and I’m going to see if it’s easier for me to abstain from sugar if I use a Fasting approach.
What else can I apply this fasting methodology to?
It’s also not uncommon for me to have a potty mouth. I generally control it, but if I’m comfortable in my environment, I sometimes drop an F-bomb here or there. I always say I’d fit in so well if I lived in the UK, people seem to add expletives in their conversations and no one blinks an eye, but here in the US, you can easily offend someone. And although I couldn’t find any definition of Fasting from cursing, I’m also going to explore this and try and build a regimen into my life. Even if I could refrain for a few days from using expletives, I wonder if I will feel better not using inappropriate language. I suppose at a minimum maybe I won’t offend someone.
What might you be able to Fast from in your life? could we explore using this methodology in other areas of our lives? Maybe less, cursing, shopping, alcohol? I love the idea of using this in other areas of my life. I’ll let you know how it goes or if it’s an absolute fucking waste of time.
If you have ideas to share please reach out.
be well,